Stadium Consultancy: Integral Group®​

Stadium Consultancy: Integral Group®​

Stadium projects are investments that require extensive and detailed information. Therefore, it is of great importance to work with an expert consultancy team to achieve success in your projects. As Integral Group®, we have been building various sports facilities, especially turnkey stadiums, in more than 90 countries of the world for more than 20 years. We add value to your projects by being responsible not only for construction but also for the production of all kinds of stadium materials (such as artificial turf, LED screens, athletics tracks, lighting and drainage systems).


What is Stadium Consultancy?

Stadium consultancy is a service that provides technical and operational support to project owners in the processes from planning to operation of a stadium. The consultancy services we offer as Integral Group® cover the following areas:

  • 1. Project Management and Consultancy: We undertake the management of your projects from beginning to end, ensuring that all processes proceed smoothly.
  • 2. Planning and Operation: We optimize all planning and operational processes required for effective stadium operation.
  • 3. Stadium and Facility Management: We increase efficiency and user satisfaction by managing the daily operation of your facilities.
  • 4. Stadium Development and Renovation: Infrastructure and superstructure works, lighting system installation, facility irrigation and drainage systems, artificial grass / natural grass selection, application and maintenance, construction of athletics tracks in accordance with IAAF standards, tribune seat renewal, stadium capacity increase, LED screen We offer innovative solutions such as scoreboards and landscaping.
  • 5. Safety and Security: Installation and management of systems that will ensure visitor and personnel safety.
  • 6. Crowd Management: We develop strategies for crowd control and management at large events.
  • 7. Accessibility and Inclusive Design: We design barrier-free and inclusive facilities that everyone can use comfortably.
  • 8. Broadcast and Media Operations: We provide the necessary infrastructure and operational support for your media and broadcast needs.
  • 9. Sustainability: We produce sustainable solutions that will maximize energy and resource efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.


7 Steps of Stadium Consultancy

stadium consultancy

Our stadium consultancy process has been carefully designed to ensure maximum success and efficiency at every stage of your project. This process consists of these steps:

  • 1. Needs Analysis and Planning: Determining project-specific needs and planning the customer's requests.
  • 2. Appointment of a Special Project Manager: A special manager is appointed for each project.
  • 3. Feasibility Study and Concept Design: This is the planning phase of all the details required to realize the project.
  • 4. Operational Planning and Design: It is the process of designing the systems required for an effective and efficient business.
  • 5. Construction and Application: Meticulously managed construction processes for quality and on-time delivery.
  • 6. Operations Setup and Staff Training: All operational procedures required for the smooth start of the business.
  • 7. Sustainability and Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement and updating for the long-term success of projects.


Why Integral Group® ?

  • Service at International Standards: As Integral Group®, we offer world-class solutions for every project. By fully complying with global norms and regulations in the construction of sports facilities, we build quality facilities that can host international competitions and organizations. In this way, we increase the global competitiveness and value of your investments.
  • Customer-Focused Approach: Our customers' satisfaction is at the center of every project. As Integral Group®, we focus on understanding our customers' needs and expectations down to the smallest detail. At every stage of the project process, we work in close communication with our customers and realize their vision in the best way possible. In this process, we aim to exceed our customers' expectations by offering flexible solutions and personalized services.
  • Experienced and Expert Staff: We work with our team members who are experts and experienced in their fields. Our team of professionals in every field, from engineering to architecture, from project management to security consultancy, uses the latest technologies and methodologies to add value to your projects. As a team, we are in continuous training and development, which allows us to constantly follow the innovations in the sector and integrate them into our projects.
  • Superior Quality Concept: Every material we use and every workmanship process we apply meets the industry's highest quality standards. For example, from artificial grass to lighting systems, all our products are long-lasting and durable. Using quality materials reduces the maintenance costs of your stadiums and sports facilities and extends the aesthetic and functional life of your facilities.

Contact us to achieve safe and successful results in your stadium projects. If you would like to get more information about our stadium consultancy services or have a meeting for your project, please contact us at +90 (212) 678 13 13 or [email protected] Let's build the stadiums of the future together!

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